This lightweight module generates an overview / preview of fonts on the website in a selected directory. The font search in the given directory is recursive.

Current Version: V1.0.0
Take a look at an example in production state:


  • Joomla 3 and 4 compatible (Tested on Version 3.10.4 and 4.0.3)
  • Recursive font search on any provided directory on the website
  • User can change the preview text
  • Nearly all features are set as properties in the module settings
  • Sub-directories are used for Category naming (optional, default enabled)
  • responsive, modern design by default
  • css classes for everything to change every visual aspect
  • Hover to show text on black background
  • Uses Joomla! update system

Currently supported font types:

  • TTF
  • OTF
  • WOFF
  • WOFF2

If you encounter problems with this module, feel free to contact us!
The module isn't finished at current state, but alredy fully usable.

Download FontView 1.0.0

Font View Joomla Module by Philipp Kirchmair - VP-Creativ e.U.
is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

Unsere eigens entwickelte kleine Software zur Unterstützung beim Erstellen neuer Farbpaletten. Mithilfe von gescannten Faden-Farbpaletten lässt sich eine Palette sehr einfach exportieren und kann dann in der Stick-Software importiert werden.


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